How to Brush Teeth Without Toothpaste

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new toothbrushes


You were in a hurry to pack all your stuff to get ready for the vacation trip. Tired after the journey to your destination, you call it a day. Next morning you wake up only to realize – “Yikes! I forgot my toothbrush and toothpaste”


stained tooth


Well, you should be glad to know that you are not the only one who has committed this blunder. This HAPPENS!

So now, what next? Well, you definitely know how to brush your teeth with a toothbrush. Here, you are stuck in a situation when you are devoid of your armamentarium. That leaves you with only one possible way- hunt for alternative way to clean teeth.

Let’s take a look at all the possible options that can be used in situations:

toddler brushing


When you forget your toothbrush-

  1. Toothpaste on finger You can apply your toothpaste on your index finger and rub it on all teeth surfaces. This is the most appropriate method of cleaning teeth when you have forgotten your toothbrush. You can ideally wrap your finger with a paper towel as well.
  2. Wipe with towel Dip a clean towel in water to dampen it slightly and then wrap it around your index finger. Now run your finger over all the teeth thereby wiping out the dirt inside mouth. You can clean your tongue also in the same way.


When you forget your toothpaste-

Wet brush- Just wet your toothbrush with plain water and brush gently over all your teeth. You needn’t do it as many times as you do while you brush with toothpaste.

Apply baking soda- You can use a pinch of baking soda on your toothbrush and then brush your teeth. Baking soda works as an abrasive that scrapes off the plaque layer on your teeth and helps you in getting rid of food debris that are stuck to your teeth. It also imparts a whitening effect.

Normal salt– Applying normal salt on your toothbrush and cleaning your teeth with it is also a brilliant idea.


When you forget both toothbrush and toothpaste

  1. Twigs or leaves- In ancient times, twigs were used to clean teeth. The same can be tried even today at least in an emergency. A twig should be chewed on one end till it splits into several thin fibres. This will work like a DIY toothbrush for you for the time being. In some parts of the world, the leaves are used to rub on teeth surfaces as well.
  2. Oil pulling- If you have a coconut oil bottle with you, oil pulling can be an ideal way to clean your teeth and keep the microbes in the mouth under control. Just need to take about a cap of oil and pour it in your mouth. Just swish the oil to all the parts within the mouth and then spit it out.
  3. Mouthwash – Any available mouthwash can be used as it has almost everything to help your teeth remain in a clean state even without toothbrushing. Any mouthwash will have ingredients like antibacterial agent that fights the microorganisms within the mouth and flavoring agents that keep your breath fresh.

Make sure that these mentioned methods cannot be used for a daily routine. So grab a toothbrush and toothpaste to enjoy the rest of the vacation with a cavity-free mouth.